The spectrIm-QMRS image menu

The view menu you can perform actions on the background MRI images on top of which spectral grid is projected.
- Auto-windowing: enforces auto windowing of gray scales of the background window.
- Set color scale: is sub menu item letting you select the color scale to be used for the background MRI image data series:
- Gray levels (default)
- Red->Green->Blue
- Blue->Green->Red
- Red->Blue->Green
- Blue->Red->Green
- Green->Blue->Red
- Green->Red->Blue
- Print image statistical parameters for selected region: computes the crossection of the spectroscopy volume and the background MR-image and computes for these pixel intensity values the statistical parameters (usefull for correlating MRS(I) and MRI data). In screenshot above the statistical properties of one selected voxel are displayed in the spectrIm-QMRS output control. Basic statistical parameters are provided:
- Number of MRI-pixels
- Minimum pixel value
- Maximum pixel value
- Mean pixel value
- Standard deviation of pixel values
- Skewness of pixel values
- Kurtosis of pixel values
- Image segmentation in Selected Spectroscopic Region: enables the user to interactively segment the background image within the selected spectroscopic volumes. See screenshot below indicating a 2D-MRSI data set with an overlay of CSF image segement (blue), gray matter in red, and white matter in green.

The user can set segmentation related parameters via the following GUI: