The spectrIm-QMRS Study/Patient Browser
Mount Dicom directory via "right mouse button"
Below the Patient/Study browser is indicated within a red rectangle. The left side is the tree-view indication all identified patients and studies in the mounted Dicom file directory. The right view show the so called instances of the selected series displayed in the tree-view.
After mounting a directory, which can be done with pressing the right mouse button on the root-node of the treeview, the user selected directory and all subdirectories get parsed, and the treeview is constructed based upon the information. During parsing of all Dicom files, data is collected to build-up the tree-view (left) and list view (right).
Each branch of the three view indicates either a patient, an examination or a series. The patient node is the parent and has one or more examination nodes. Each examination node contains one or more series. Finally each series has one or more instances (either images, spectroscopic images, or spectra.
From a functional point of view, the Study/Patient-browser enables the user to:
Mountdicom directory via toolbar button
Alternatively you can press the "mount directory" toolbar button in the left most toolbar of spectrIm-QMRS. The button is highlighted in red in the image above. After pressing this toolbar button, a file browser popsup and the user is prompted to select a directory in the filesystem. This directory and all subdirectories which searched for the presence of DICOM/RDA-files. Each found file will be opened and parsed. In this way the content of treeview structure will be build up and displayed the moment all subdirectories where investigated and the last Dicom was parsed.
Parts of spectrIm were developed during three successive EU projects related to the jMRUI: